Using Rails to load an image from CSS

My current approach to loading an image is using this code:

<div id="bglion"><%= image_tag("BG-LION6.png")%></div>
, which successfully displays the image. However, I am interested in loading the image from a CSS file instead.

After researching some options, I attempted the following:

#bglion {src: background:url('BG-LION6.png');}
#bglion {src: asset-url('BG-LION6.png');}
#bglion {src: asset-url('BG-LION6.png', image);}

Despite my efforts, the image still does not appear on the page. How can I adjust my code to make it function properly?

(The image file is located in /assets/images)

Answer №1

To achieve the desired outcome, there are a few steps you need to take. Your CSS code should be adjusted to something similar to this:

#bglion { background: image-url('BG-LION6.PNG'); }

It's important to note that the correct CSS property to set is background, not src. Additionally, image-url is a Rails path helper specific for pointing to your image assets folder. Using

asset-url</code may direct to your entire assets folder and manual specification of the images folder might still be required.</p>

<p>Furthermore, if the <code>div
no longer contains an image, its dimensions will collapse to zero unless specified otherwise. You'll have to include additional CSS rules in the wrapper div to define the image's dimensions. For example:

#bglion { background: image-url('BG-LION6.PNG'); width: 100px; height: 100px; }

Answer №2

Here's an alternative approach to consider:

#bglion { background: url("/BG-LION6.png"); }


#bglion { background: url("/assets/BG-LION6.png"); }

The choice between these two options depends on the version of rails you are using and the directory where your assets are located.

It is recommended to always use absolute paths when accessing assets rather than relative ones.

Answer №3

If you want to modify your css file, consider giving it a css.erb extension and implementing the following code snippet:

#bglion {
background-image: url(<%=asset_path "BG-LION6.png"%>);

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