Using Phonegap alongside ons-scroller and ons-button

Recently, I have been using Phonegap with the Onsen UI system on iOS devices. I encountered an issue where buttons included within an ons-scroller were not clickable when running on an iPad or iPhone. Here is the code snippet that caused the problem:

<ons-template id="test.html" style="display:none;">
      <ons-toolbar style="background-color:#FF9500;">
        <div class="left"><ons-back-button>Back</ons-back-button></div>
        <div class="center">Main AK</div>
        <div class="center">

               <ons-button modifier="food_folder" onclick="">Type A</ons-button>
               <button class="button button--cta" style=" width:100px; z-index:1000;"  >Test</button> -->


            <ons-button icon="ion-ios-checkmark" modifier="navi_button" onclick="">SAVE</ons-button>
            <ons-button icon="ion-ios-checkmark" modifier="chk_button" onclick="">
                <div><span class="notification">1</span></div>

The buttons worked fine in the browser, but on iOS devices, they were unresponsive due to overlapping layers. Removing the ons-scroller fixed the issue, but I needed a solution for scrollable content on iPhones with multiple buttons.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and found a solution? Thank you.

Answer №1

After some experimentation, I managed to find a solution to the problem at hand. Although I'm not entirely certain if this is the most conventional approach, it worked for me. Firstly, I rearranged the placement of the <ons-tabbar> element following the <ons-toolbar>. Only then did I initiate the <ons-scroller>. Next, I made adjustments to the CSS for the <ons-tabbar>, specifically removing the z-index:2 property, which resolved the issue at hand. If anyone has an alternative method for addressing this problem, please share your insights here. Many thanks.

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