Using numerous background images can lead to issues in Safari browser

Currently experimenting with styling the body element using two images.

background: url(bg2.png) repeat-x, url(bg1.png) repeat;

An issue arises in Safari where it reports an error in the console, stating that it cannot locate the image file specified at the end of the code above.

Despite this error, the background images are still displayed correctly.

Any insights on why this might be happening?

Answer №1

The inquiry above can be addressed by noting that the syntax used is incorrect.

background-image: url("../img/logo.jpg"), url("../img/background.png");
background-repeat:no-repeat, repeat-y;
background-position: right 30px, right top;
background-attachment:fixed, scroll;

Please take note that the first image will have the highest stacking order.

In connection to multiple background images, upon reviewing my error logs, I have observed errors relating to the aforementioned background images. Despite attempting to rectify this issue using absolute URLs, it has proven unsuccessful. It is my assumption that these occurrences of 404 errors are attributed to older versions of Internet Explorer. Has anyone else utilizing multiple background images encountered similar issues in their error logs?

Answer №2

Perhaps experimenting with background-image instead of just using background would yield different results. Have you given it a try?

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