Repair the masthead background during overscroll

The Dilemma

At the top of my webpage, I have a sleek masthead with a captivating background image that scrolls along with the page. However, there is an issue when users overscroll upwards, causing an undesirable white overflow to appear. To rectify this situation, my goal is to anchor the background in place when users engage in overscrolling, allowing the content to move downward while maintaining the fixed background.

An Example of Code


<div class="masthead">
  </div class="container">
    <h1>Hello, World</h1>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor</p>


.masthead {
  display: block;
  text-align: center;
  color: white;
  background-image: url('');
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-attachment: scroll;
  background-position: center center;
  background-size: cover;

Reasons for Not Using overscroll-behavior-y: none

While some may recommend using overscroll-behavior-y: none, this solution lacks support from Safari/WebKit and can come off as overly harsh. I appreciate the natural overscroll effect and would like to maintain it while ensuring a clean user interface.

Challenges Faced

My attempts at resolving this included implementing the background-attachment: fixed property, which ended up slightly altering the image positioning. Furthermore, despite fixing the background, the masthead fails to extend into the overflow, leaving its background white.

Technologies Utilized

  • SCSS
  • jQuery
  • bootstrap

Answer №1

While attempting to address the masthead issue caused by overscrolling, a rubber-band effect is observed on the body. To investigate this further, testing was conducted on an iPhone 5C as desktop browsers do not exhibit overscroll behavior unless running on OSX. It is important to note that these findings are limited to an older version of iOS (10.something). Here are the conclusions drawn:

Avoid this approach: modifying CSS on window scroll

To handle the situation where the user scrolls over the top and the masthead needs fixing, you can attach an event listener to the window scrolling event:


body {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

.masthead {
    overflow: auto;
    /* move this div to a gpu-processed layer */
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); /* for iOS <8.1 */
    transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);

.fixed-top {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;


var masthead = document.querySelector(".masthead");
var mastheadHeight = masthead.clientHeight;
var topContentMargin = 16;
mastheadHeight += topContentMargin;

window.addEventListener("scroll", function(e) {

function fixMastheadOnOverscroll() {
    let overscrollingTop = window.scrollY < 0;
    if (overscrollingTop) {
        masthead.classList.add("fixed-top"); = mastheadHeight + "px";
    } else {
        masthead.classList.remove("fixed-top"); = "0px";

Analysis of the code

This code snippet serves to keep the masthead fixed at the top during overscroll. Some key points to consider include:

  • overflow: auto on the masthead avoids collapsing margins when not overscrolling;
  • adding transform is a well-known workaround to optimize an element's rendering using GPU acceleration. Will it enhance the positioning of the masthead during overscrolling? This remains uncertain and warrants further exploration.
  • applying a margin to the body during overscroll prevents content from appearing under the fixed masthead; failing to do so will result in content being rendered beneath the masthead.
  • to prevent the body content from shifting abruptly when returning to its original position after overscrolling, the height of the content is added to the body's margin.

Why isn't it ideal?

It is widely recognized that executing a DOM-altering function upon scrolling can be resource-intensive. According to insights shared by Twitter's development team:

Attaching handlers to the window scroll event is highly discouraged.

The event listener triggers the function frequently, potentially leading to erratic behavior. Additionally, peculiarities may arise on iOS platforms due to the callback firing solely at the end of the scroll event, as pointed out by Apple engineers.

An alternative approach


In all honesty, devising an effective strategy without relying on overscroll-behavior-y poses a challenge. Employing the aforementioned workaround exclusively for iOS users based on browser detection is one possibility. Several performance enhancements worth considering include:

  • throttling the callback, albeit possibly resulting in sluggish responsiveness;
  • manually specifying the masthead's height in a separate CSS class for margin-top and apply said class to the body instead of directly altering the body's style. However, this method offers reduced flexibility.

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