Using *ngIf together with fxFlex.lg and fxFlex.xl is causing compatibility issues

One of the challenges I faced involved a div element with a conditional *ngIf statement and responsive layout values set using

fxFlex.lg="30" fxFlex.xl="50"

<div class="project-test__element" *ngIf="myCondition()" fxFlex.lg="30" fxFlex.xl="50" fxLayoutAlign="end center">
    Test fxFlex.lg and fxFlex.xl

The styling applied to this particular div included:

place-content: center flex-end;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: row;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
flex: 1 1 100%;
max-width: 30%; (30% for lg and 50% for xl)

However, transitioning from HD to Full HD resolution caused the removal of the max-width property. The solution involved separating the *ngIf logic into a new outer div preceding the inner div containing the fxFlex directives.

So, the question arises: Why do *ngIf and fxFlex clash when used together? Discover more about them through @angular/flex-layout.

Current versions in use include:

Angular: 8.1.3
@angular/flex-layout: 8.0.0-beta.26

Answer №1

With the introduction of Angular 9 and the new Ivy template compiler, this issue has been resolved.

When using a structural directive (marked with *), it's helpful to think of the directive as wrapping the element it's applied to inside an ng-template tag, which serves as the template for that particular item:

<div *ngIf="hide">HELLO</div>

will essentially look like this:

<ng-template *ngIf="hide">

In previous versions of angular, everything placed on the element with the structural directive was automatically transferred to the ng-template tag. This is why the extra wrapping was necessary.

A better approach would be to use ngIf without the *, and include the ng-template tag as demonstrated above. Additional directives can then be applied directly to the div element itself.

I recommend upgrading to at least Angular 9 to not only resolve this issue but also take advantage of the advancements in the newer versions.

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