Using -moz-transform CSS does not effectively prevent unwanted page breaks when printing in Firefox

I am facing a challenge with printing two tables, named header and details, on separate pages. The structure of the tables is as follows:

<table id="header">
   <!-- multiple rows here -->
<table id="details" style="break-before: always;">
   <!-- multiple rows here -->

The issue arises when the number of rows in the header table causes its last row to spill onto the next page, which I managed to fix for Google Chrome by adjusting the zoom level:

$("body").css("zoom", 0.93);

However, my attempts to resolve this problem for Firefox using CSS transformations have been unsuccessful:

$("body").css("-moz-transform", "scale(0.9)");

It appears that Firefox maintains the original page break even after scaling down, leading to the last tr of the header table spilling over to the second page. I also tried utilizing the break-before property within the table row but did not achieve the desired outcome:

<!-- last row of header table -->
<tr style="break-before: avoid;">

If anyone has insights on how to overcome this issue specifically for Firefox, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

It's quite surprising that the following code actually works even though it was thought to be impossible for the page margin to increase as the contents scaled down on Firefox:

/* For Chrome */
$("body").css("zoom", 0.93);
/* For Firefox */
$("body").css("-moz-transform", "scale(0.93)");
$('head').append('<style>@page{margin: 0.3cm;}</style>');

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