Using JQuery to visually enhance the menu selection by displaying an image and altering the background color upon hovering

Hello fellow JQuery/Javascript beginners! I recently put together a menu and wanted to add some interactive elements. Specifically, I want the background color to change when a user hovers over an item (simple enough with CSS), but I also want to include an arrow that appears when an item is selected. This arrow should remain visible until another item on the menu is chosen, similar to what Zappos has achieved with their mini floating menu next to the shoes: .

I've already searched through numerous Stackoverflow posts on highlighting selected menu items, but none quite hit the mark like Zappos' implementation.

Any assistance or guidance would be immensely appreciated!


Answer №1

Take a look at my work on JSFiddle here.

If you want to achieve a similar effect on Zappos, use the following code:

$(document).ready(function() {

    $('ul li').hover(
        function() {
        if ( !$('div').hasClass('blue') ) {
       function() {

    $('ul li').click( function() {
        $('ul li').removeClass('blue');

Edit: To add an arrow effect, include a background with an arrow in the CSS class. This can be triggered on hover (gray class) or on click (blue class).

Answer №2

To create a hover effect, you can utilize CSS. If your navigation is structured as an unordered list with the class "nav", your code might resemble the following:

.nav li a:hover {
  background: #95ACC3;

For a click effect, jQuery can be used to add a class to the clicked list item. In the example below, the code removes the 'active' class from all list items and then adds it to the clicked item:

$('.nav li').click(function(){
  $('.nav li').removeClass('active');

You can view a working example in this jsfiddle link:

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