Using jQuery to store the last selected href/button in a cookie for easy retrieval

Recently, I've been working on a document that features a top navigation with 4 different links. Each time a link is clicked, a div right below it changes its size accordingly. My goal now is to implement the use of cookies to remember the last selected link.

Here is the code snippet for the links:

<li><a href="#" class="desktop">Desktop</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="tablet">Tablet</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="tabletP">Tablet (P)</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="mobile">Mobile</a></li>

Next up, we have the jQuery code responsible for controlling the behavior of the div:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".desktop").click(function() {
        $(".iframe").animate({"width" : "100%"},{queue: false, duration: 1000 });
        $(".iframe").animate({"height" : "100%"},{queue: false, duration: 1000 });
    // Other click functions for tablet, tabletP, and mobile

I am currently using the jQuery Cookie Plugin to create and manage the cookie. Here's an example of how I'm implementing it along with the jQuery code:

// Code snippets for each link click event setting a cookie

Now, my task involves reading the created cookie to automatically select the corresponding link and adjust the div size as needed.

While exploring similar queries, I came across this discussion, which seemed relevant. However, the suggested code in that thread appears somewhat complex.

Below is an excerpt from that discussion showcasing how cookies are utilized to remember link selections:

// Sample code from the mentioned discussion

If anyone could provide guidance on how to effectively read and utilize the cookie value to auto-select the appropriate link, I would greatly appreciate it.

I trust this explanation clarifies my requirements.

Answer №1

The provided code snippet demonstrates how to retrieve the value from a cookie. The specific line responsible for this action is:

cookieVal= $.cookie('lastState')

Additionally, there is a line that checks whether any value was retrieved:

if (cookieVal)

This means you now have the ability to both obtain the value from the cookie and verify if it exists. If a value is indeed present, you can proceed to the next step, which involves selecting a particular link based on the cookie's value.

Since the element's class is stored in the cookie, you can utilize this information when specifying the selector for your simulated click event. For instance:

$('.' + cookieVal).click();

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