Using JQuery to reverse a function

Seeking a solution here: is it possible to revert a function using jQuery? I have a click function with multiple actions within. Is there a way to revert these elements back to their original state before the click event? Thank you for any assistance provided.

    $('.default_clock, .info_top_panel .random_title, .bottom_panel_button_06').css('display','none');
    $('.bottom_main_panel_button').css('background','url("img/ap_bottom_panel_button_white.png") center bottom no-repeat')
        $('.arrow_up, .arrow_down').fadeIn(300);
    $('.main_content, .oven_panel').fadeOut(200);

Answer №1

Unfortunately, jQuery does not have a built-in feature to easily revert a series of DOM manipulations or animations. To achieve this, you will need to create two separate functions that act as mirrors of each other and manually reset the changes made in the initial action:

function applyChanges(){
    $('.default_clock, .info_top_panel .random_title, .bottom_panel_button_06').css('display','none');
    $('.bottom_main_panel_button').css('background','url("img/ap_bottom_panel_button_white.png") center bottom no-repeat')
        $('.arrow_up, .arrow_down').fadeIn(300);
    $('.main_content, .oven_panel').fadeOut(200);    

function revertChanges(){
    $('.default_clock, .info_top_panel .random_title, .bottom_panel_button_06').css('display','block');
        $('.arrow_up, .arrow_down').fadeOut(300);
    $('.main_content, .oven_panel').fadeIn(200);    


Answer №2

One way to achieve this is by utilizing custom attributes:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.bottom_panel_button_02').attr("clicked", "false");

    $('.bottom_panel_button_02').click(function() {
        var clicked = $(this).attr("clicked");

        if (clicked == "false") {
            // implement the click functionality

            $(this).attr("clicked", "true");
        } else {
            // implement the revert functionality

            $(this).attr("clicked", "false");

Alternatively, you could maintain a global variable or utilize a hidden input element to keep track of the state instead of using attributes. Another approach would be to use .addClass and .removeClass based on the clicked state of the element and define your states within these CSS classes.

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