Using jQuery to apply the "a" class with the addClass method

The html structure below is giving me trouble:

<div class="sub">
       <a href="#" id="people">People</a>

The CSS for the "a" element is as follows:


I am attempting to use jQuery to change the color by adding a class "active" with the style "color:#777!important;", but my current approach is not working. I have tried the following code:

$('.sub').click(function() {

However, it does not seem to be functioning as expected. I have also attempted to add the class using this code:

$('.sub a').addClass('active');

If anyone has any suggestions on how to properly add a class to an "a" element, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

Answer №1

Your current solution seems to be accurate: view it in action here. If you're encountering issues, there may be other factors at play that we are not aware of.

Answer №2

The current solution you have is functioning correctly. You can view it here:

It seems that the issue might be due to not wrapping the click assignment within a document ready function, as shown below:

$(document).ready(function() {

    $('.sub').click(function() {

If this step was not followed, the handler may be assigned before the element exists. I have also made modifications to the colors in your CSS to enhance the effect.

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