Using jQuery functions like closest(), find(), and children(), it is possible to target and retrieve the sibling of a specific parent

Having trouble determining the URL of a using .closest, .find and potentially other jQuery methods. The webpage structure is as follows:

      <a href="/findme">findme</a>
             a <-this

There are multiple nested lists on the page. I am trying to retrieve the href value of the a tag within the li element of the ul with class "good". The issue arises when I use closest() to find ul.good, as I then struggle to isolate the specific parent li element that contains this.

In essence, how can I extract the /findme value from a<-this? Is this feasible?

Just to clarify, the a href /findme occurs at the top level within ul.good.

a<-this is located much deeper within the structure (at an unknown depth).

Appreciate your assistance.

Answer №1

To begin, one approach is to first gather all the li elements that are children of the ul.good:

$goodUl = $this.closest('ul.good');
$lis = $goodUl.children();

Next, you can utilize these as parameters for the closest method:

$liParentOfThis = $this.closest($lis);

This will provide you with the parent $li, making it easy to then locate the a:

$a = $liParentOfThis.children('a');

While the above method is succinct, it may not be the most efficient since you are traversing up the chain twice. A potentially faster option involves using a loop:

$check = $this; 
while (($check = $check.parent().closest('ul')).length) {
  if ($'.good')) break; // reached too high
  $a = $check.prev('a');
  if ($a.length) break; // found it 

In this iterative process, at each step, you move on to the next closest ul (as the parent is necessary for .closest search starting from the element itself) and verify if it has the desired previous sibling a. Once located, the search concludes.

Answer №2

Here's a quick and easy solution that should do the trick for you:

   alert($(this).parents("ul.good").find("> li > a").attr("href"));
<script src=""></script>
    <ul class="good">
        <a href="/findme">findme</a>
        <a href="#" id="here">I am here</a>

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