Using JavaScript to generate a <style> element and accessing the cssRules

After spending countless hours trying to solve this problem, I'm hoping that my question isn't too foolish. This is a continuation of a previous question about creating a style tag with JavaScript on Stack Overflow. The solutions provided by Tom and Michael work well in most browsers but fail in Chrome and Safari as they do not create a "cssRules" property for the style sheet.

Is there anyone who can guide me on how to create a style sheet for an iframe that will have a "cssRules" property in Chrome and Safari?

My goal is to add a style sheet to an iframe created within my web page since it seems to lack one. Once I overcome the initial obstacle, I plan to transfer styles from the parent document's style sheet to the iframe's style sheet. If there are any challenges or warnings associated with this process, I would appreciate knowing them ahead of time.

Answer №1

My testing involved Firefox 3.6, Chromium 8, and Opera 11 on Ubuntu 10.10.

Here is the code for temp.html:

    body { background-color: blue; }


And here is the code for index.html:

        function test(){
            // creating a new <style> tag
            var stl = document.createElement("style");
            // defining its content
            stl.innerHTML = "body { background-color: red}";

            // accessing the iframe
            var myIframe = document.getElementById("myiframe");

            // applying the new CSS to the iframe
    <iframe id="myiframe" src="temp.html"></iframe>
    <button onclick="test()">

By clicking the button, the background color in the iframe changes to red.

P.S. Apologies if this information appears redundant. I just clicked on the link in your other post now.

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