Using Javascript to detect the existence of a class and execute a function or make changes

Hey there, all you amazing folks! I'm currently working on designing my game using Javascript.

One of the elements is a box with the ID 'box1'. There's also a hidden button component. I've created a function to alter the class of box1.

I aim to adjust the visibility based on whether box1 has the "glow" class. In fact, I'll be checking the classes of 9 different boxes. This might involve using the "if" condition with "&&".

$(document).ready(function() {
  if (document.$('#box1').classList.contains('.glow')) {
    $(".btn-warning").css('visibility', 'visible');

Answer №1

One way to approach this is by customizing your code

You have a total of 9 blocks, labeled as box1, box2, and so forth

Create a loop to iterate through all the class nodes

  // Add your specific logic here
  $(".btn-warning").css('visibility', 'visible');

Fingers crossed that this solution will meet your needs!

Answer №2

Appreciate all the feedback from everyone. I have made some adjustments to my approach.

I successfully completed the code on my own.

The gameboxsize represents the container for 9boxes.

setInterval(function() {
  var gamebox = document.getElementById('gameboxsize');
  var nodesSameClass = gamebox.getElementsByClassName('glow');
  var winNum = nodesSameClass.length;

  if (winNum === 9) {
    $(".btn-warning").css('visibility', 'visible');

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