Using JavaScript to Apply CSS Styles in JSF?

Is it possible to dynamically apply a CSS style to a JSF component or div using Javascript? I have been searching without any success.

Below is some pseudo code:

<div style="myJSStyleFunction("#{myBean.value}")"> stuff </div>

The function would return something like "position:relative;left:25px;"

I haven't had much luck and am wondering if it's even feasible. A second opinion would be appreciated.


I want to maintain a separation/reduce coupling between presentation/view and model/controller. This is for indenting comments or product reviews (to nest replies). The goal is to track the depth of a reply, where the first level is 0, the second level is 1, and so on.

In EL, I aim to call a JavaScript function and do something like this:

            var nest=20*depth;
            var style="position:relative;left:" + nest + "px;";
            return style;

For example, for a third-level comment, it would look like this:

<div style="position:relative;left:40px;"> stuff </div>



evaluates to 2

I suspect, as Daniel mentioned, that I may need to tightly couple the view. However, I'm hoping there's a way around it without sacrificing separation.

Answer №1

I am unsure of better alternatives for this issue, but I can offer one suggestion.
Imagine your page is structured as shown below and the myBean.getValue() method returns an integer.

<h:form id="frm">

<div style="#{myBean.value}"> div1 </div>

<div style="#{myBean.value}"> div2 </div>


You could implement something like this using 'window.onload'.

window.onload = function() {

var childList = document.forms['frm'].childNodes;

for(var i = 0; i &lt; childList.length; i++) {

if(childList[i].nodeName == 'DIV') {

         var _div = childList[i];
var depth = _div.getAttribute('style');

_div.setAttribute('style', 'position:relative;left:' +(depth *20)+ 'px;');


1. In the code example above, it assumes that all DIV elements within the form should be indented.
2. For Internet Explorer compatibility, you may need to use'cssText','position:relative;left:' +(depth *20)+ 'px;')

3. Another solution is to include <script> tags immediately after your divs and place the JavaScript portion inside them. This way, you won't need to rely on artificial styling like style="#{myBean.value}" or the window.onload event because you can directly access #{myBean.value} in your script.

Answer №2

After careful consideration, I decided to forgo the use of JavaScript and opt for a more straightforward and refined approach to generate dynamic CSS classes for my specific scenario. Since I already collect and calculate the depth value for each comment upon entry, I simply return that value in EL and append it to a base name for the CSS class as shown below:

<div class="indent_#{(comment.commentDepth le 5) ? comment.commentDepth : 5}" >
    comment comment blah blah blah

The base name for the CSS class is "indent_". Therefore, a comment with a level of 0 will have a class="indent_0", while a response to that comment will have class="indent_1".

I utilized the ternary operator to prevent excessive indentation when there are numerous replies under a single comment, limiting it to a maximum of 5 levels. This ensures that the content doesn't extend too far to the right side of the page.

For my current situation, this method proves to be simpler and more efficient in creating dynamically generated CSS class names. At present, I only need to define 6 classes in the CSS file, although I may explore nesting the boxes in the future. Nevertheless, it's not a top priority as the current solution functions effectively for my needs.

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