Using JavaFX to create a TreeTableView with nodes of varying sizes

I need assistance with styling TreeTableViews and their rows. I have set up a treetableview showcasing objects named Component, divided into classes A, B, and C. In my setup, B objects are nested within A, and C objects are nested within B objects. While I was able to display the TreeTableView with these three levels of Components, I am now looking to customize the table's appearance using CSS for specific characteristics:

- Firstly, I want A objects to appear larger than B objects, and the same goes for C. To achieve this, I've attempted various methods found online, such as:

.tree-table-cell {
     -fx-font-size: 11pt;

.tree-table-cell:sub-tree-item {
    -fx-font-size: 9pt;

However, it seems that these changes are not taking effect...

- Next, I would like to include a separator between each A component for better table visibility.

- Lastly, I wish to visually emphasize the selected item along with its tree node (meaning, if C is selected, then the C element along with its parent B and parent A should stand out). I attempted applying some basic CSS to achieve this:

.tree-item:selected {
     -fx-font-weight: bold;

Unfortunately, these modifications also did not work...

In essence, I am finding it challenging to style my TreeItems as desired (since adding StyleSheets Class directly to TreeItem is not feasible).

I hope my explanation is clear enough. Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

Implementing styles in a TreeTableView based on different criteria was a successful endeavor for me. I chose to apply styles to the TreeTableRow, although using cells could also work. Getting a reference to the row proved to be challenging, so one method I utilized was adding a row factory. Within this factory, I incorporated my drag and drop functionalities. However, for styling purposes, I opted to use custom cells (especially since I required them for editing). By utilizing the updateItem function of these custom cells, I was able to access the row and make necessary style adjustments. Due to the virtualization and reusability of rows, it was crucial to handle "empty" rows during the updateItem call to remove any unwanted styling, such as a red border indicating "invalid" items.

When it comes to pseudo classes in CSS, my recommendation is to ensure you are employing the appropriate ones. If a built-in pseudo class is not available, you may need to create one in the code and then link it with the desired class for styling purposes. While I came across a helpful website offering insights, there are likely several other resources out there worth exploring.

It is evident that the item itself does not inherently support styling, as it functions more as a model or data class rather than part of the UI design.

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