Using dots instead of lines for the carousel indicators in PrimeNG

I'm currently working on a carousel feature, but I want to change the indicators from lines to small dots. I know the solution lies within the CSS files, but I'm not sure how to implement it. I think I need to create a new CSS class, but I could use some guidance. Below is an image for reference, the code snippet I'm using, and a link to the carousel documentation I am referring to. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the image:

This is the code:

<p-carousel [value]="products" [numVisible]="3" [numScroll]="3" [circular]="false" [responsiveOptions]="responsiveOptions" class="I`m not sure if this declaration is OK">
    <ng-template pTemplate="header">
    <ng-template let-product pTemplate="item">
        <div class="product-item">
            <div class="product-item-content">
                <div class="p-mb-3">
                    <img src="assets/showcase/images/demo/product/{{product.image}}" [alt]="" class="product-image" />
                    <h4 class="p-mb-1">{{}}</h4>
                    <h6 class="p-mt-0 p-mb-3">${{product.price}}</h6>
                    <span [class]="'product-badge status-'+product.inventoryStatus.toLowerCase()">{{product.inventoryStatus}}</span>
                    <div class="car-buttons p-mt-5">
                        <p-button type="button" styleClass="p-button p-button-rounded p-mr-2" icon="pi pi-search"></p-button>
                        <p-button type="button" styleClass="p-button-success p-button-rounded p-mr-2" icon="pi pi-star"></p-button>
                        <p-button type="button" styleClass="p-button-help p-button-rounded" icon="pi pi-cog"></p-button>


Answer â„–1

Seek out the theme file here:

In that particular file, you will find a rule

.p-carousel .p-carousel-indicators .p-carousel-indicator button
, located around line no. ~2235; make sure to update it as follows:

.p-carousel .p-carousel-indicators .p-carousel-indicator button {
    background-color: #e9ecef;
    width: 1rem;
    height: 1rem;
    transition: background-color 0.2s, color 0.2s, box-shadow 0.2s;
    border-radius: 50%;

Please note that there are numerous themes at your disposal for modification—feel free to adjust all of them or just the one you are currently utilizing.

The end result should resemble something like this:

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