Using CSS to define the pseudo element :after that comes after an input

My HTML code is set and I'm unable to make changes, plus JavaScript isn't an option in this case. That leaves CSS as the only solution. For example, you can see the code here:


<!-- code for input -->
<div class="form-group complete">
<label>label for text input</label>
<input type="text"/> <span class="error-message">This is an error message</span>

<!-- code for dropdown -->
<div class="form-group complete">
<label>label for select input</label>
<div class="custom-selectbox custom-selectbox-form">
    <select name="sth" required>
    </select> <span class="selectedValue">&nbsp;</span>
<span class="is-visually-hidden">select to open the list</span>

</div> <span class="error-message">This is an error message</span>



.complete:after {

I'm looking for a way to add extra content (like 'OK' in the example) specifically for input fields, but not for selects.

The presence of spans after interactive components is not mandatory and they may be absent.

Any suggestions on how to define this selector?

Answer №1

Due to the limitations of using :after with input elements, a somewhat unconventional solution would be to target the element that comes after and use a :before pseudo element to achieve the desired effect.

.complete input[type="text"] + .error-message:before {

You can view a functional example on jsFiddle here.


The issue arises when the .error-message element is not consistently present, complicating this approach. Using an unprefixed call to :before (+ :before) may lead to the OK message being hidden if the following element is concealed in some way. Additionally, it may inherit styles from the subsequent element. Check out this revised jsFiddle for more details.

This concept is shared for reference purposes, but it seems unlikely to suit your specific needs.

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