Using CSS styling to dictate how browsers display web content, specifically through setting font size measurements in EM

On different mobile devices and various browsers such as Internet Explorer and Mozilla, the font size in some divs does not appear consistent. Specifically, on a Samsung Galaxy S6.

I am using EM units: I know it may not be ideal but I prefer this method and feel comfortable with it.

Is there a CSS workaround or technique (without using javascript) to set different rules based on the browser?

For instance, I intend to individually adjust each div like so:

font-size: 20em;
If it's Firefox... .divone { }
If it's Internet Explorer... .divone { }

I also believe that I need to keep the initial declaration of .divone if the browser is neither Firefox nor Internet Explorer.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Thank you

Answer №1

Prefer something other than javascript? How about php

fetch data with php

    $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

check & apply css based on browser

 if(strlen(strstr($agent,"Firefox")) > 0 ){      
        $browser = 'firefox';
        echo '<style type="text/css" href="firefox-font-style.css"/>';

Then create a file named firefox-font-style.css and add your specific styles for Firefox only

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