Using CSS in Visual Studio Code allows you to easily select multiple lines and comment out each line within the selection individually

When working on CSS in Visual Studio Code, I encountered an issue where I need to comment out multiple lines of property:value code separately. For instance:


body {
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
color: red;

After highlighting the width, height, and color lines and using Ctrl+/ to auto-comment, VS Code combines all lines into one comment block like this:

body {
/* width: 0px;
height: 0px;
color: red; */

What I actually desire is the following format:

body {
/* width: 0px; */
/* height: 0px; */
/* color: red; */

Any suggestions on how to achieve this desired result?

Answer №1

To easily comment on multiple rows or lines, simply hold down the Alt key and select the desired rows. Then press 'Alt+Shift+A' to block comment the selected sections. This method allows you to comment on specific parts of your code without commenting on the entire section.

Answer №2

Is this what you're referring to?

To comment, simply hold down the alt key and move the cursor across multiple lines then press CTRL+C..

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