To achieve this layout, you can utilize the CSS property position absolute. In the provided example, the button appears on top of the input field.
However, this approach may not be ideal as when composing a lengthy email, the text may get covered by the button. To address this issue, consider adding a padding-right value equal to the width of the button.
For more details, refer to the code snippet below:
Tip: Ensure to only share relevant code. 90% of the code shared in your query seems unrelated and unnecessary. Also, remember to consistently format your code for better readability, both in questions and your project.
.buttonContainer {
position: absolute;
} {
position: relative;
} input.text {
padding: 4px 130px 4px 2px!important;
#af-form-586791810 .af-body .af-textWrap {
width: 98%;
display: block;
float: none;
<!-- Add more customized CSS styles as needed -->
<form method="post" class="af-form-wrapper" accept-charset="UTF-8" action="" target="_blank">
<div style="display: none;">
<input type="hidden" name="meta_web_form_id" value="586791810" />
<input type="hidden" name="meta_split_id" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="listname" value="awlist5545047" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="" id="redirect_06888bc1326c8dabe3e277c31b9118ce" />
<!-- Include additional form input elements here -->
<div id="af-form-586791810" class="af-form">
<div id="af-body-586791810" class="af-body af-standards">
<div class="af-element">
<label class="previewLabel" for="awf_field-105496004">Email: </label>
<div class="af-textWrap"><input class="text" id="awf_field-105496004" type="text" name="email" value="" tabindex="500" onfocus=" if (this.value == '') { this.value = ''; }" onblur="if (this.value == '') { this.value='';} " />
<div class="af-clear"></div>
<div class="af-element buttonContainer">
<input name="submit" class="submit" type="submit" value="Subscribe Now!" tabindex="501" />
<div class="af-clear"></div>
<div style="display: none;"><img src="" alt="" /></div>