Using CSS and HTML to dynamically show rows in a horizontal line and create a new row when necessary

Can you arrange 3 table rows to display inline, so that after every 3 rows the table will automatically start on a new line and continue like this indefinitely?

$addon_name = $_SESSION['Add_On_OpName'];
mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_INDEX); //fixes a common PHP error
$prod_sel = $dbc->query("SELECT *
                           FROM Add_On
                           WHERE Add_On_OpName = '$addon_name'");
while ($output = $prod_sel->fetch_assoc())
    $prod_run .= $output['Add_On_OpName'] . $output['Prod_Name'] . $output['Add_On_Price'] . $output['Add_On_Select'] . '<br>';
    $_SESSION['Add_On_OpName'] = $output['Add_On_OpName']; 
    $_SESSION['Prod_Name'] = $output['Prod_Name']; 
    $_SESSION['Add_On_Price'] = $output['Add_On_Price']; 
    $add_on_id = $output['Add_On_ID']; 
    echo "

<table style='width:100%'>
    <td id='red_circle'><a id='del' href='delete.php?delete=" . $add_on_id . "'>&times;</a></td> 
    <td><p id='session'>" . $_SESSION["Prod_Name"] . " &nbsp; + " . $_SESSION["Add_On_Price"] . " </p)</td> 


table {

tr {

td {

Answer №1

Achieving this layout is indeed possible using CSS in the following manner:

table {
tr {
td {

By setting the rows to be one-third the width of the table, you can ensure that only three rows will fit before they wrap onto a new line. It may be necessary to adjust the width of the cells (td) to fit within the row (tr). In the example provided, there are five cells per row and a total of fifteen cells across three rows displayed on a single line before wrapping.

Answer №2

To ensure that each table row occupies one-third of its parent element's total width, which is the table element in this case (assuming 3 rows per line), you can achieve this using the following code:


$('tr').css("width", $('table').width()/3+"px");

For a cleaner layout, consider using float:left on the table rows instead of inline display to avoid spacing issues. Additionally, add overflow:auto to the table when floating child elements.

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