React does not allow for images to be used as background elements

I am currently working on a web page and I have attempted to use both jpg and png images as backgrounds, but they do not seem to display on the page.

import './Entrada.css'

const Entrada = () => {
    <div style={{ 
        backgroundImage: "url(/secoes_02.jpg)"
        <div><img src='secoes_02.jpg'/></div>
        <div className='texto'>testatastastasta</div>
export default Entrada

In the code snippet above, the image can be displayed as a figure, but not as a background. Attempts to insert it using CSS rules or imports have been unsuccessful.

background: url("/public/img/partes/secoes_02.jpg");

Despite various troubleshooting steps such as reinstalling Node.js packages and changing folder locations, the image still refuses to appear in my React application. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Answer №1

Give it a shot, it actually works!

import footer from '../../assets/images/footer.png';

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      <footer style={{ background: `url(${footer})`, backgroundSize: "contain" }}>

Answer №2

Give this a try, it worked wonders for me!

Here is the JavaScript code snippet:

   render() {
    return (
      <div className="bgimage">
          <div className='texto'>testatastastasta</div>

And here is the accompanying CSS code:

.bgimage {
  background-position: center;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: cover;
  height: 100%;
  background-image: url(;

The height is set to 100%, but feel free to adjust as needed.

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