Using CSS :active can prevent the click event from firing

I've designed a navigation menu that triggers a jquery dialog box to open when a link is clicked.

My CSS styling for the links includes:

.navigationLinkButton:active { background:rgb(200,200,200); }

To attach the dialog box, I simply use:
$("#link").click(function() {$(this).dialog("open")});

Every now and then (approximately every 4-5 clicks), clicking on a link results in just the background color changing without the dialog box opening. However, clicking the link again will successfully open the dialog box. Any thoughts on why this issue might be occurring?

Answer №1

$("#link").click(function() {$(this).dialog("open")}

must be changed to:


Furthermore, it is important to ensure that there is only one instance of #link on the page. If more than one exists, consider using a class instead (".link")

Answer №2

Ensure that the ID #link is only used once on the page.

If your links are <a> elements (assuming they are since you're using :active), consider adding return false; at the end of your click() function to prevent the default link behavior, which may cause the page to refresh.

$("#link").click( function() {
    return false;

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