Determine whether the color is a string ('white' === color? // true, 'bright white gold' === color? // false)

I am facing an issue with multiple color strings retrieved from the database. Each color string needs to be converted to lowercase and then passed as inline styles:

const colorPickerItem = color => (
    <View style={{backgroundColor: color.toLowerCase()}} />

While this approach worked well for valid CSS color strings like 'RED' and 'WHITE', I have encountered some funky color strings that are displaying as default white. Is there a way to define a default color in case the input is not a valid string color?

I came across this solution which uses new, but it seems incompatible with React Native. Are there any other suggestions or recommendations available?

Furthermore, it appears that the invalid colors contain more than one word. Considering this observation, could checking for whitespace provide an alternative solution?

Answer №1

Just a thought.

One approach that could be taken is to define a list of approved colors and verify if the color selected belongs to this list. If it does not, default to red (or any other preferred color). You can either assign the default color to a variable or store it in the first position of your approved color array for easy access as a default option.

const validColors = ['RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE']

const isValidColor = colorToCheck => 
     validColors.some(color => color === colorToCheck) 

const colorPickerItem = color => (
    <View style={{backgroundColor: isValidColor(color) ? color.toLowerCase() : validColors[0].toLowerCase()}} />

Answer №2

To resolve this issue, there are a few different approaches that can be taken. One option is to compare the color against all valid color keywords, which is the most straightforward solution. However, if you simply want to set a default color when the comparison fails, there is an easier alternative.

Utilize CSS by adding a className like so:

<View className='defaultcolorfallback'/>

Then, include the following in your css file:

.defaultcolorfallback {
  background-color: #123456;

When the specified background-color fails, it will automatically default to the set background-color.

If you prefer not to modify your css and don't mind resorting to a slightly unconventional method, try the following approach:

<View style={{background: '#123456', backgroundColor: color.toLowerCase()}} />

Although it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing solution, it does effectively address the issue at hand!

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