Using background-image in Internet Explorer has always been a challenge


<div id="banner" style="display: block; background-image: url('images/swirl_home.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #e7e7e7;">
    <div id="Hi">
                some text here...

    <div id="loader">
        <img src="images/ajax-loader.gif"  />


#banner {
    background-color: #e7e7e7;
    min-height: 285px;

This code displays correctly in Mozilla and Chrome, but has issues in IE 6/7/8. The background image does not appear, even though the text is visible.

What could be the problem?

EDIT: It's not an issue with the image path. I have tried using absolute paths as well, without success.

Answer №1

To ensure compatibility with Internet Explorer, make sure to specify a height for the #banner css rule instead of using min-height.

Simply add these lines:


This adjustment should resolve any issues and allow it to function properly.

Answer №2

Here is a suggestion to display the loader image as your div background whenever it is called.

 #loader {
        background-image:url (images/ajax-loader.gif);
/*Make sure to set width and height to match the size of your loader image*/

It's recommended to consolidate your styles in the CSS file instead of using inline styling along with CSS styles for your banner ID. If you plan on using it multiple times on a page, switch from an ID to a class: Use .loader instead of #loader in both the CSS and HTML like so

<div class="loader">&nbsp;</div>
. The &nbsp; represents a non-breaking space, serving as a visual filler to ensure proper formatting of your DIV.

If the image path appears broken, check for any errors, although typically issues with image paths are not browser-specific to Internet Explorer.

Answer №3

Figured it out! The reason the image wasn't displaying was because I forgot to include the height and width constraints. It's always something with IE, bringing out the worst in everyone.

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