using angularjs to dynamically apply css styles

Below is the input I have:

The HTML code is shown below:

 <input type="number" ng-class="{negative: amount < 0}" ng-model="amount"/>

This is the corresponding CSS code:

 .negative {
         color: red;

If the amount is positive, no specific style will be applied. However, if the amount is negative, it will use the ".negative" class to display the font in red color.

I would like the "positive" class to show up when the amount is a positive number as well.

Could someone please provide guidance on how to handle both positive and negative values?

Here is the CSS for the positive class:

.positive {
         color: blue;

Answer №1

To achieve this without using a function, you can follow these steps:

<input type="number" ng-class="{positive: amount >= 0, negative: amount < 0}" ng-model="amount"/>    

Check out a visual example on this CodePen link.

Answer №2

Another option is to use a more sophisticated ng-class.

<input type="number" class="positive" ng-class="{'negative': amount < 0, 'positive': amount > 0, 'zero': amount == 0}" ng-model="amount"/>

Answer №3

In my opinion, if you want to dynamically assign a class to a field based on the value entered, one approach is to utilize the ng-class directive along with a function that determines which class should be applied.

<input type="number" ng-class="determineClass(amount)" ng-model="amount"/>

$scope.determineClass = function(value){
  return value >= 0 ? 'positive': 'negative';

Answer №4

give this a shot

<input type="number" ng-class="{'positive': amount >= 0, 'negative': amount < 0}" ng-model="amount"/>

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