Using Angular Formly: Tips for Applying Custom CSS to Label Elements

How can I apply custom CSS to a dynamic label in an Angular Formly form?

In one of our Formly modals, I am generating a dynamic label like this:

   formlyConfig.templateOptions.wrapperLabel = 'Is '+ emailAddress + ' the best email?';

       //emailAddress is populated by a service.

I want to display this on the UI as - Is [email protected] the best email?

Answer №1

If you're looking to customize the appearance of your form labels, consider utilizing the Template Manipulators feature in Formly.

Answer №2

Another option is to create an HTML template using Formly, which I find much simpler and typically use for tasks like this.

   template: '<label>Is <strong>{{}}</strong> the best email?</label>'

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