Using an inline-block within a positioned absolute element

I am curious about the behavior of inline-block elements inside absolutely positioned elements. To better explain, I have provided an example below. We can see in the code snippet why the .icon within the .tag is not displayed like the previous .icon (which was inline and to the right of the text).

You can view the code at:

        .field { position: relative; border: 2px solid black;}
        .tag   { position: absolute; left: 100%; top: -2px; background: black; color: white;}
        .icon  { width:16px;height:16px; display: inline-block; background: gray; text-indent: -999px;}
    <a>Some text <span class='icon'>X</span> </a>
        <span class='field'>Some Text<span class='tag'> tag<span class='icon'>x</span></span></span>
        <span class='field'>Some Text</span>

Answer №1

Essentially, the behavior of the icon remains unchanged. To test this out, try adjusting the style of element 'a' to

display: inline-block; width: 50px;

By making the tag position: absolute, it loses its automatic width of 100% relative to its parent and instead takes on a minimal width based on browser heuristics (varies by browser). The inline block behaves like "inline", similar to an image, causing it to move to the next line after the word "tag".

In summary, the icon itself still behaves the same way, but the enclosing block around it does not.

To keep the icon on the same line as before, you can include white-space: pre;. Check out: (also refer to comment below)

Answer №2

Due to the fact that the .field element is positioned as relative, when you insert the .icon with the style: position:absolute;top:0px; inside the .field, the .icon will be placed at '0px' from the top of the .field, not from the top of the body.

I apologize for the language barrier, but I hope my explanation still makes sense.

Answer №3

The issue lies not in the positioning of the elements, but rather in the element that contains the "icon" class. In one instance, you have a simple inline a element, while in the other, it is nested within a block-level h2. This discrepancy results in varying line-heights and vertical alignments for your "inline-block".

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