Using a Second List Element in CSS Image Rollover Map with jQuery

I have been utilizing this interactive map from Wolf's website, but I am interested in incorporating a secondary list of countries alongside the existing one as the base for the script. However, due to presentation reasons, the second menu cannot reside in the same DIV as the map. I have been exploring the JQuery documentation to figure out how to trigger an action on a different element than the one currently selected, but my attempts so far have not been successful.

The current script appears like this:


 var new_map='<span class="map"><span class="s1" /><span class="s2" /><span class="s3" /><span class="s4" /><span class="s5" /><span class="s6" /><span class="s7" /><span class="s8" /><span class="s9" /><span class="s10" /><span class="s11" /><span class="s12" /><span class="s13" /><span class="s14" /><span class="s15" /><span class="s16" /><span class="s17" /><span class="s18" /></span>';
 var new_bg=$("<span>");
 $("#europe li a").append(new_map);
 $("#europe li a").append(new_bg);


What I aim to achieve is to trigger the same action when hovering over another element that is not #europe li a. To accomplish this, I tested the following code:


 var new_map='<span class="map"><span class="s1" /><span class="s2" /><span class="s3" /><span class="s4" /><span class="s5" /><span class="s6" /><span class="s7" /><span class="s8" /><span class="s9" /><span class="s10" /><span class="s11" /><span class="s12" /><span class="s13" /><span class="s14" /><span class="s15" /><span class="s16" /><span class="s17" /><span class="s18" /></span>';
 var new_bg=$("<span>");
 $("#carteeurope li a").append(new_map);
 $("#carteeurope li a").append(new_bg);

 $("#menudroite li a").hover(function(){
 $(new_map).appendTo("#carteeurope li a");
 $(new_bg).appendTo("#carteeurope li a");


While this does produce some effect, it doesn't quite achieve the desired outcome - the map seems to move, but not to the correct positions (some countries end up with a white background after multiple hovers on the second menu).

Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards.

PS: Here are some relevant HTML and CSS snippets.

The original list

<div id="b">
     <ul id="europe" class="bottom five_columns">
      <li id="europe1"><a href="#" title="Albania">Albania</a></li>
      <li id="europe2"><a href="#" title="Andorra">Andorra</a></li>
      <li id="europe3"><a href="#" title="Austria">Austria</a></li>

The additional menu

<div id="menudroite">
<li><a href="#">Accueil</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="France">France</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="Grèce">Grèce</a></li>

The original CSS

#europe,#europe{background:transparent url('europe-600px.png') no-repeat -9999px 0}
#europe{position:relative;top:0;left:0;display:block;background-position:0 -966px;list-style:none}
 #europe *{padding:0;margin:0;border:0 none;outline:0 none}
  #europe li{cursor:pointer}
  #europe li span{position:absolute;display:block;width:0;height:0;z-index:15}
  #europe li a{z-index:3}
  #europe li .map{top:0;left:0}
 #europe li span{position:absolute;display:block;top:0;left:0;width:0;height:0;z-index:15}
 #europe1 a:hover .bg{top:395px;left:303px;width:20px;height:40px;background-position:-10px -10px} #europe1 .s1{top:401px;left:303px;width:15px;height:32px} #europe1 .s2{top:397px;left:305px;width:8px;height:4px} #europe1 .s3{top:418px;left:318px;width:4px;height:9px}
 #europe2 a:hover .bg{top:385px;left:133px;width:5px;height:6px;background-position:-35px -10px} #europe2 .s1{top:383px;left:131px;width:9px;height:10px}

Answer №1

Solution found using the following function:

  $("#menudroite li.menudroitepays a").hover(
    var country=$(this).attr("id");
    $("#europe" + country + " a").addClass("active");
    var country=$(this).attr("id");
    $("#europe" + country + " a").removeClass("active");

Answer №2

From what I gather, it seems like the issue you're facing is that when you hover over an anchor tag, your map disappears. One potential solution could be to clone both the new_map and new_bg before appending them to #carteeurope li a

Your current code snippet,

$("#menudroite li a").hover(function(){
    $(new_map).appendTo("#carteeurope li a");
    $(new_bg).appendTo("#carteeurope li a");

I recommend trying something like this instead,

$("#menudroite li a").hover(function(){
    var cache_new_map = new_map;  //cache the new_map 
    var cache_new_bg  = new_bg;   //cache your span
    $(cache_new_map).appendTo("#carteeurope li a");
    $(cache_new_bg).appendTo("#carteeurope li a");

The purpose of caching the new_map and new_bg is because when you append an element to another one, the original element is removed from its initial position.

Note: I must admit that I may not fully understand your question and my response is based on assumptions. It would be helpful if you could provide a live demo (a link to your working page) for better assistance. Simply sharing HTML and CSS snippets might not convey your exact intentions clearly. No hard feelings

In case my interpretation aligns with your query, this proposed solution should address the issue at hand

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