Using a negative mask in CSS when overlaying a background image

Looking to create a unique mask in CSS using a PNG file, but with a twist. Rather than displaying the content underneath, I want the mask to cut out that content and display everything else around it - almost like a negative mask effect. The key requirement here is that I need to apply this mask to a background image. Here's what I have in mind:

Imagine a scenario with 3 layers: A video (HTML), a dotted background created using CSS, and a png image serving as the mask (which will act as the logo). What I aim to achieve is for the mask to eliminate the background it covers and showcase the video beneath.

.cont {
        width: 100%;
        height: 450px;
        position: relative;
        background: url("") no-repeat center;

      .maska {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        background: url("") repeat;
        left: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        position: absolute;
        text-align: center;
<div class="cont">

        <video autoplay muted loop id="myVideo">
          <source src="" type="video/mp4" poster="">

        <div class="maska">


Check out the live demo on jsfiddle!

Answer №1

Unique Answer

After reviewing the latest update, here is a new approach you can take. Try creating an inverted version of your logo where the transparent part becomes solid and vice versa. Then, use multiple mask layers to achieve the desired effect.

I have centered the logo on the overlay following the same concept as before:

.overlay {
  --h:200px; /* height of the logo*/
  --w:200px; /* width of the logo */

  background:radial-gradient(farthest-side,black 50%,transparent 52%) 0 0/8px 8px;

      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) top   /100% calc(50% - var(--h)/2),
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) bottom/100% calc(50% - var(--h)/2),
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) left  /calc(50.1% - var(--w)/2) 100%,
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) right /calc(50.1% - var(--w)/2) 100%,
      url( center/var(--w) var(--h);
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) top   /100% calc(50% - var(--h)/2),
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) bottom/100% calc(50% - var(--h)/2),
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) left  /calc(50% - var(--w)/2) 100%,
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) right /calc(50% - var(--w)/2) 100%,
      url( center/var(--w) var(--h);

body {
  background:url( center/cover;
<div class="overlay"></div>

For a detailed explanation and demonstration on how to create a new version of the logo, refer to this related question:

You can also experiment with using `mask-composite` to maintain the original logo while making it easier to adjust and reposition. Note the importance of layer order in this example compared to the previous method:

.overlay {

  background:radial-gradient(farthest-side,black 50%,transparent 52%) 0 0/8px 8px;

      url( center/200px 200px;
      url( center/200px 200px;

body {
  background:url( center/cover;
<div class="overlay"></div>

Original Approach

To achieve the desired design without relying on images, I suggest using pure CSS:

.overlay {
  /* stripes */
  background:repeating-linear-gradient(to right,blue 0 10px,transparent 10px 20px);
  /* mask */
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) top   /100% 50px,
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) bottom/100% 50px,
      linear-gradient( 235deg,transparent 10%,#fff 9%) calc(50% - 600px) 50%/1200px calc(100% - 100px),
      linear-gradient(-235deg,transparent 10%,#fff 9%) calc(50% + 600px) 50%/1200px calc(100% - 100px);
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) top   /100% 50px,
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) bottom/100% 50px,
      linear-gradient( 235deg,transparent 10%,#fff 9%) calc(50% - 600px) 50%/1200px calc(100% - 100px),
      linear-gradient(-235deg,transparent 10%,#fff 9%) calc(50% + 600px) 50%/1200px calc(100% - 100px);

body {
  background:url( center/cover;
<div class="overlay"></div>

Below is the gradient used for the mask with various color combinations to illustrate the puzzle visually:

.overlay {
      linear-gradient(blue,blue) top   /100% 50px,
      linear-gradient(red,red)   bottom/100% 50px,
      linear-gradient( 235deg,transparent 10%,green  9%) 
         calc(50% - 600px)   50%  /    1200px calc(100% - 100px),
      linear-gradient(-235deg,transparent 10%,purple 9%) 
         calc(50% + 600px) 50%/1200px calc(100% - 100px);

body {
  background:url( center/cover;
<div class="overlay"></div>

Here's another syntax that utilizes CSS variables for easy triangle control:

.overlay {
  --h:200px; /* height of the triangle*/
  --w:200px; /* width of the triangle */

  /* stripes */
  background:repeating-linear-gradient(to right,blue 0 10px,transparent 10px 20px);
  /* mask */
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) top   /100% calc(50% - var(--h)/2),
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) bottom/100% calc(50% - var(--h)/2),
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) left  /calc(50% - var(--w)/2) 100%,
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) right /calc(50% - var(--w)/2) 100%,
      linear-gradient(to top right,#fff 49%,transparent 50%) calc(50% - var(--w)/4) 50%/calc(var(--w)/2) var(--h),
      linear-gradient(to top left ,#fff 49%,transparent 50%) calc(50% + var(--w)/4) 50%/calc(var(--w)/2) var(--h);
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) top   /100% calc(50% - var(--h)/2),
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) bottom/100% calc(50% - var(--h)/2),
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) left  /calc(50% - var(--w)/2) 100%,
      linear-gradient(#fff,#fff) right /calc(50% - var(--w)/2) 100%,
      linear-gradient(to top right,#fff 49%,transparent 50%) calc(50% - var(--w)/4) 50%/calc(var(--w)/2) var(--h),
      linear-gradient(to top left ,#fff 49%,transparent 50%) calc(50% + var(--w)/4) 50%/calc(var(--w)/2) var(--h);

body {
  background:url( center/cover;
<div class="overlay"></div>

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