Using a function as a parameter for the background-image url in jQuery

Can I send a function as an argument to the background-image URL parameter in jQuery?

Is it possible to achieve something similar to this example...

jQuery('<span>').css('background-image', 'url(' + check_file_type(value.Name) + ')');

The function provides the proper format for the URL address, but perhaps I am not invoking it correctly.

    function get_extension(filename) {
        return filename.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();

    function check_file_type(file) { 
        switch(get_extension(file)) {
            //if .jpg/.gif/.png do something
            case 'jpg': case 'gif': case 'png':
                return '{!URLFOR($Resource.images, 'images/doctype_image.png')}';
            //if .zip/.rar do something else
            case 'zip': case 'rar':
                return '{!URLFOR($Resource.images, 'images/doctype_zip.png')}';

            //if .pdf do something else
            case 'pdf': case 'pptx':
                return '{!URLFOR($Resource.images, 'images/doctype_pdf.png')}';

Answer №1

Yes, you are capable. The function should output a string and you're all set.

Answer №2

Yes, it is definitely doable to have the function return a string value. I noticed that the JQuery code you are utilizing is responsible for creating a new element. Is this the desired outcome you are aiming for? In my scenario, I assumed the presence of an already existing span element.

function initialize() {                    
    var data = {};
    data.label = "Hi";

    $('span').css('background-image', 'url(' + determine_file_type(data.label) + ')');

function determine_file_type(label) {
    return "http://" + label + ".png";


Here's a small JSFiddle showcasing the concept in action. Please note that the file type checking function used in my demonstration doesn't actually verify any file types.

Answer №3

The solution was discovered by me, it turned out to be caused by an additional curly bracket...

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