Troubleshooting CSS Navigation Drop Issue Specific to Google Chrome. Seeking Feedback on Rails Tutorial Experience

I'm currently working my way through the amazing Rails Tutorial and have encountered a problem with the Navigation bar dropping down into the body of the page, but this issue only seems to occur in Chrome (I'm using Linux, Ubuntu 10.10). I've included a screenshot and a URL to demonstrate exactly how the navigation appears before and after, as it's difficult to describe accurately. If I refresh the page a few times in Chrome, it drops down like in the "after" image I provided.

Here is the URL to the webpage for you to see for yourself:

Please try accessing it in Chrome, Firefox, and IE to see if the issue persists.

If anyone has any insights into why this problem is occurring, I would greatly appreciate any help.

Answer №1

After including the following line of code in /app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> 

I was able to resolve the problem I was facing.

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