Tips for customizing the CSS file of a React component imported from a UI framework

As I embark on building a large application utilizing React, I find myself navigating the new territory of React philosophy coming from a background of Css+Js+jQuery methods. One key requirement for my project is a reliable UI framework that aligns with Google Material Design principles. After scouring various stackoverflow discussions, it's clear that using a traditional UI framework not specifically designed for React may cause conflicts with React's event management due to DOM changes. It seems like the best approach is to opt for a UI framework composed of React components.

I've experimented with popular options such as material-ui, react-toolbox, and essence. What strikes me as unexpected is the limited customization offered by these frameworks – primarily allowing theme changes like "light-theme" or "dark-theme", or importing themes through JS imports with predefined color schemes. However, what I truly require is the ability to fully edit CSS styles or at minimum have extensive knowledge of the CSS class hierarchy for override flexibility.

Is this level of customization achievable within existing libraries? Or does seeking fully-customizable components suggest exploring alternative routes? Any guidance on finding a suitable library providing such versatility would be immensely appreciated.

Answer №1

Each React UI framework offers a method for incorporating your own classes and styling by utilizing props such as className

<md-toolbar className="yourclassNames"/>

You can certainly modify the top-level variables like primary color in a theme. Customization is highly feasible; simply create your own CSS file and add the necessary styles.

At times, you may need to use !important when working with these libraries since they often apply inline styling extensively.

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