Using a diverse class for enhancing the PrimeVue dialog's maximizable feature

I'm currently working with the PrimeVue Dialog component. My goal now is to apply different styles depending on whether the dialog is maximized or not. Let's keep it simple by saying I want to change the text to bold or red when the dialog is maximized. How can this be achieved?

Here is an example of the code:

    <!-- OTHER STUFF HERE -->
    <Dialog v-model:visible="true" maximizable modal header="TEST" :style="{ width: '50rem' }">
        <div class="formgrid grid">
            <div class="field col-12">
                <!-- use this when dialog is not maximized -->
                <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>

                <!-- add new class/style when dialog is maximized -->
                <p class="font-semibold" style="color: red">Lorem ipsum.</p> 

To achieve this, I would like to utilize v-bind:class or v-bind:style based on the state of the dialog being maximized or not. However, the challenge lies in the lack of direct access to the dialog maximized attribute.

Answer №1

After some trial and error, I eventually settled on the following solution:

<script setup>
    const dialog = ref()
    const dialogMaximized = computed(() => dialog.value.maximized)

    <div v-if="dialogMaximized">

    <div v-else>

    <Dialog ref="dialog" maximizable ...>

To sum up, I initialized a reference for the dialog component, created a variable to track its maximized state, and utilized it in the <template>.

Although it's functioning properly at present, I've decided not to mark this as resolved in case someone more knowledgeable has an enhanced solution.

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