User Agent Stylesheets do not take effect

Currently, I am working on a simple unordered list project where I am utilizing Material UI. However, there seems to be an issue that I would like some help with.

(user agent) html.css 

The CSS includes the property

padding-inline-start: 40px

but strangely, this style is not being applied to the ul element. When I manually input it in the "element", it works perfectly fine.

Upon further research, I discovered that each browser has its own default stylesheet known as

user agent stylesheet

I am unsure of what exactly is causing this problem, and it's making development quite chaotic. Any insights or solutions are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Based on the information provided in this discussion, it seems that custom stylesheets take precedence over the user agent stylesheet:

User agent style sheets are overridden by anything you set in your own stylesheet. They serve as the foundation: when there are no styles from the page or the user, the browser will still render the content based on the user agent style sheet.

Your choice of Material stylesheet likely overrides the default setting for padding-inline-start. The change observed after modifying it within an "element" occurs because you are adjusting the page after other CSS has been applied. To maintain the desired property value, consider adding a style element at the end of your CSS file to define the property as needed.

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