Use CSS to style elements that do not coincide with the specified data attribute

I'm currently working on developing a filter system.

The goal is that when a user clicks on a button, the ID of that specific button will be captured and then display:none; will be applied to all elements that do not have a matching data attribute provided.

This is an example of the HTML structure:

<div class="job-list">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="grid half">
            <div class="job-item" data-job-type="fulltime">
                <h3>Marketing &amp; Communications Manager</h3>
                <h4>Central London -  salary competitive</h4>

       <div class="grid half">
           <div class="job-item" data-job-type="parttime">
               <h3>Senior PR &amp; Media Manager</h3>
               <h4>Central London -  salary dependent on experience</h4>

After the user clicks on a button, the variable selection is designated as either parttime or fulltime

var selection = 'fulltime';

The objective is to target elements on the page that meet the following criteria:

a) located within .job-list

b) possessing

data-job-type="[the selection var set above]"

$('.job-list div[data-job-type!="'+selection+'"]').css('display','none'); 

However, the issue arises where it selects the entire .job-list and applies display:none; to that section instead of targeting the specific sub-elements that match.

JSFiddle Link:

Answer №1

As outlined in the official documentation

The selection targets elements that either do not possess the specified attribute, or hold the specified attribute but not with a specific value.

Your current selector is too broad. It is capturing all divs even if they lack the attribute due to meeting the condition [data-job-type!="'+selection+'"]. To focus solely on divs with that attribute, include an additional [data-job-type] in the selector.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.button').click(function() {
    var selection = 'fulltime';
    $('.job-list div[data-job-type][data-job-type!="' + selection + '"]').closest('.grid').hide();
.job-item {
  width: 500px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="button">Click me!</div>
<div class="job-list">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="grid half">
      <div class="job-item" data-job-type="fulltime">
        <h3>Marketing &amp; Communications Manager</h3>

        <h4>Central London -  salary competitive</h4>

    <div class="grid half">
      <div class="job-item" data-job-type="parttime">
        <h3>Senior PR &amp; Media Manager</h3>

        <h4>Central London -  salary dependent on experience</h4>


A couple of side notes.

  1. hide() can be substituted for css('display', 'none')
  2. It's preferable to utilize hide() on the overarching sub container, such as grid

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