Locating an individual element using Selenide (Selenium) and the cssSelector method

If you have a structure of elements similar to the one shown in the image, it is possible to extract each static property using:

$$('#static-information .value').get(0)


$$('.static-property .value').get(0)

However, as each static property has a unique .key within that div, it may be possible to utilize that key to target specific elements and create a more generic selector that is less prone to errors if the order changes (eliminating the need for get(0), get(1) etc.).

For example:

investorFullName = $$('#static-information .key="Name" .value')

Or something like td[class='key'][value='Name']

Answer №1

To locate the static property based on its key, it is necessary to utilize xpath as CSS selector does not support locating elements by their text content.

findPropertyByKey(key) {
   return element(by.xpath('//div[@class="key"][text()="' + key + '"]/..'));

readPropertyValueByKey(key) {
   return findPropertyByKey(key).element(by.css('.value')).getText();

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