Use Angular to change the style of multiple element groups at the same time when hovering

When hovering over an element with a common attribute, such as a class name, I want to change the style of all elements that share that attribute. Achieving this effect is simple with jQuery:

$(function() {
   $('.bookId4').hover( function(){
      $(this).css('background-color', '#F00');
      $(this).css('background-color', '#000');

However, I am unsure how to implement this feature using Angular. In my scenario, the elements with the class .bookId4 are dynamically generated through an Angular AJAX call, so I am looking for a way to create the hover effect in Angular as well. Thank you!


To elaborate further, multiple divs will be created via an AJAX call, and these divs within the same group will share the same class. Here is the HTML code snippet:

<div class="bookId{{ }}"> <!-- Wrapper for hover effect -->

When hovering over one div, I want ALL divs (not just the hovered one) with the same class or another shared value to exhibit the hover effect. Ideally, Angular should search the entire page for all divs with a certain class name and apply the desired style to achieve this, instead of having to manually generate CSS for each class, which may not even work effectively.

Answer №1

To achieve this functionality, you can utilize the ng-mouseenter and ng-mouseleave directives. Below is a basic code snippet that you can customize to fit your specific needs:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en>
  <meta charset="UTF-8>
  <title>Sample - sample-sample89-production</title>

  <script src="//"></script>

<body ng-app="">
<h1 ng-style="myStyle" ng-mouseenter="myStyle={'background-color':'blue'}"" ng-mouseleave="myStyle={'background-color':'none'}"">Hello World</h1>

Answer №2

If you want a quick solution for hover effects, consider using a simple CSS approach like this:

.bookId4:hover {
    background-color: '#F00';

No need to involve Angular or jQuery for this task! :-)

Answer №4

Implement the use of ng-class by creating a single scope variable that is initially set to false. Update this variable to true or false based on mouseEnter or mouseLeave events.

    .bookId4{color: red;}
<span  ng-mouseenter="ctrl.hovered()" ng-mouseout="ctrl.nothovered()"  ng-class="{ 'bookId4' : ctrl.ishovered==true }">Something 1</span>
        <span  ng-mouseenter="ctrl.hovered()" ng-mouseout="ctrl.nothovered()" ng-class="{ 'bookId4' : ctrl.ishovered==true }">Something 2</span>
        <span  ng-mouseenter="ctrl.hovered()" ng-mouseout="ctrl.nothovered()" ng-class="{ 'bookId4' : ctrl.ishovered==true }">Something 3</span>

            _this.ishovered = false;    
            _this.hovered = function(){
                _this.ishovered = true;
            _this.nothovered = function(){
                _this.ishovered = false;

Answer №5

After experimenting with different solutions, I discovered that using an ng-class condition was the most effective way to highlight a specific group based on a variable. Initially, I encountered issues with only the hovered div being highlighted, prompting me to revise my approach.

<div ng-class="hovering == ? 'hl' : ''" ng-mouseenter="setHover(" ng-mouseleave="setHover(0)"> <!-- Wrapper for hover effect -->

To ensure a global highlighting effect, I modified the code to send signals to a variable using a function. The updated code for the div wrappers is as follows:

<div ng-class="hovering == ? 'hl' : ''" ng-mouseenter="setHover(" ng-mouseleave="setHover(0)"> <!-- Wrapper for hover effect -->

I then implemented a simple function in the scope:

$scope.setHover = function(bookId) {
    $scope.hovering = bookId;

Additionally, here is the style definition for the highlight class .hl:

.hl {
background-color: red;

Special thanks to everyone who suggested using ng-mouseenter and ng-mouseleave!

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