I am working with a bootstrap navbar in my app, where I have links for login, logout, and register displayed on the right side of the navigation bar. This code snippet is from my app.component.html.ts file:
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
// Here i check if user is authenticated, display : Hello <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="89e8ebeac9eee4e8e0e5a7eae6e4">[email protected]</a>
<ul *ngIf="user" class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
//code in here
// If user is not authenticated, display Login - Register
<ul *ngIf="!user" class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<li><a routerLink="/register" id="registerLink">Register</a></li>
<li><a routerLink="/login" id="loginLink">Log in</a></li>
In my login.component.ts file, I utilize Authen.Service.ts to retrieve the token stored in localStorage:
import { UrlConstants } from './core/common/url.constants';
import { LoggedInUser } from './core/domain/loggedin.user';
import { SystemConstants } from './core/common/system.constants';
selector: 'app-login',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
templateUrl: './login.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./login.component.css']
export class LoginComponent implements OnInit {
public user: any;
private isLoggedIn = false;
loginUser(valid: boolean) {
this.loading = true;
if (valid) {
const userData = {
username: this.form.controls.username.value,
password: this.form.controls.password.value
this._authenService.login(userData.username, userData.password).subscribe(data => {
this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(SystemConstants.CURRENT_USER));
// If success redirect to Home view
}, error => {
this.loading = false;
ngOnInit() {
This is how my Authen.Service.ts looks like:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Http, Headers, RequestOptions, Response } from '@angular/http';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import { SystemConstants } from '../common/system.constants';
import { LoggedInUser } from '../domain/loggedin.user';
export class AuthenService {
constructor(private _http: Http) {
login(username: string, password: string) {
let body = "userName=" + encodeURIComponent(username) +
"&password=" + encodeURIComponent(password) +
let headers = new Headers();
headers.append("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
return this._http.post(SystemConstants.BASE_API + '/api/oauth/token', body, options).map((response: Response) => {
let user: LoggedInUser = response.json();
if (user && user.access_token) {
localStorage.setItem(SystemConstants.CURRENT_USER, JSON.stringify(user));
logout() {
isUserAuthenticated(): boolean {
let user = localStorage.getItem(SystemConstants.CURRENT_USER);
if (user != null) {
return true;
return false;
Lastly, here is an excerpt from my app.component.ts:
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
// the user object got from localStore
ngOnInit() {
this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(SystemConstants.CURRENT_USER));
I am facing an issue where the navbar does not update its state immediately after authentication (despite having the token). I have to refresh the entire page to see the updated navbar content.
Any suggestions on how I can efficiently update the navigation bar in Angular without requiring a full page refresh? Thank you.