Having issues with Div CSS functionality not properly functioning

My background CSS is working fine, but the styling for the .about div is not applying.

Here is my HTML code:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="CSS.css">
    <div class="About"

This is how I have set up my CSS:

body {
    background-image: url("BG.jpg");
    background-repeat: repeat-repeat;

The body background works, but the rest of the styles are not being applied as expected.

I have tried a few different approaches like this:

body {
    background-image: url("BG.jpg");
    background-repeat: repeat-repeat;

However, none of these solutions seem to work properly. I also attempted:

body {
    background-image: url("BG.jpg");
    background-repeat: repeat-repeat;

The "p" tag seems to work, but it applies the styles too broadly. I specifically need it to apply to the "About" div only.

I have tested this in both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, so it doesn't seem to be a browser compatibility issue. Any thoughts on what might be causing the problem?

Answer №1

Make sure to properly enclose the tag

<div class="Description"> ... </div>

In your CSS, there is an extra }.

The correct format is:


Answer №2

Your code contains several syntax errors that may lead to unexpected behavior, including one incorrect rule.

  1. Make sure to properly close your div tag to prevent the browser from misinterpreting the markup
  2. In the .About rule, there is an extra } after margin: 50px;, potentially causing other rules to be ignored
  3. The rule p.About targets a p tag with the class .About; however, you should use .About p to target any p tags within an element with the class .About

For targeting the p in the .About div, only include the rule .About p (the .About and p rules are unnecessary).

body {
  background-image: url("BG.jpg");
  background-repeat: repeat-repeat;
.About p {
  background-color: #000000;
  color: #FFFFFF;
  font-size: 24px;
  margin: 50px;
  padding: 50px;
<div class="About">

Answer №3

Ensuring the div tag is correctly enclosed is essential:

<div class="Information">

Answer №4

Make sure to check for any syntax errors in your CSS code, such as an extra '}' and ensure that the div is properly enclosed.

<div class = "details">.. </div>

Answer №5

initially wrap in tag

<div class="Information"> ... </div>

Next step is to


Answer №6

<div class = "Information">

as opposed to

<div class="Information"

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