Updating the color of the hamburger menu based on the scroll position using an event listener

Is there a way to change the color of my burger bar lines using event listeners? I'm trying to target the spans that make up the burger menu lines by assigning them a class "span". Here's what I have:

 var distFromTop = document.querySelector(".om-mux").offsetTop;
 var distFromTop2 = document.querySelector(".galleri").offsetTop;
 var distFromTop3 = document.querySelector(".event-sektion").offsetTop;

 window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
     var scroll = this.scrollY;
     if (scroll > distFromTop && scroll < distFromTop2) {
         document.querySelector(".span").style.backgroundColor = "black";
     } else if (scroll > distFromTop2 && scroll < distFromTop3) {
        document.querySelector(".span:before").style.backgroundColor = "white";
     } else if (scroll > distFromTop3){
        document.querySelector(".span").style.backgroundColor = "black";

     } else {
        document.querySelector(".span").style.backgroundColor = "white";


The code is working fine, but it only changes the style of the middle span because the upper and bottom lines are styled like this:

`  .menu-btn > span,
  .menu-btn > span::before,
  .menu-btn > span::after {
    display: block;
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 2px;
    background-color: #ffffff;
    transition-duration: .25s;

How can I target span:before & span:after elements? Can I achieve this with something like:

        document.querySelector(".span:before").style.backgroundColor = "white";

Answer №1

Although English is not my native language, I ask for your understanding. Consider applying a new class to a span element when scrolling and assigning a background-color property to that class in your CSS stylesheet. For instance:

Instead of using this:

document.querySelector(".span").style.backgroundColor = "black";

Try the following approach:


Then, include this class with its corresponding CSS properties in your stylesheet:

.menu-btn > span.span.black::before{
    background-color: #000;

Answer №2

source: Manipulating CSS pseudo-element styles with JavaScript

The technique closest to modifying the style of a pseudo-element using JavaScript involves adding and removing classes, followed by utilizing the pseudo-element with those classes. For instance, here's an example to conceal the scrollbar:


.hidden-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
   visibility: hidden;



If you wish to subsequently eliminate the same class, you can use:


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