Updating the appearance of a non-declared HTML child component on-the-fly using Angular

Trying to dynamically adjust the style of an unspecified div is causing some trouble. Using Angular and PrimeNG, invisible divs are being generated that I cannot access through inline styles. The objective is to allow a user to input a width as a string (500px, 30rem, etc) and have that width applied to those hidden divs.

Below is my HTML code:

  <div class="wrapper">
    <div class="percent basin-color-info">
      <h2>{{ percentage }}%</h2>
    <div class="info">
      <h4>Percentage of time when outstanding risks are received</h4>
    <div class="break"><hr /></div>
    <div class="days">
      <h5>{{ days }}&nbsp;Days</h5>
    <div class="text"><h4>on average to correct outstanding risks</h4></div>

Inspecting the code reveals the following structure:

<p-card> (This is in the HTML)
 <div class="p-card"> (This is **not** in the HTML)
  <div> (This is **not** in the HTML)
   <div> (This is **not** in the HTML)
    <div class="wrapper"> (This is in the HTML)

Adjusting the width of the first undeclared div with the p-card class in the inspector yields the desired outcome for the card display.

The goal is to find a way to use text interpolation {{ 500px }} or some form of CSS injection to modify the style of these undeclared divs, or explore other possible solutions.

According to the documentation from PrimeNG, the p-card element should accept inline styles as a valid attribute, but for unknown reasons, it does not have any effect.

Answer №1

Hello Vincent Thomason,

It seems like you are attempting to customize the style of a div that is nested within a p-card, but do not have direct access to it in your component HTML.

The best solution I can offer is to assign an id to your p-card element. Then, use querySelector to target and modify the nested div ('myCardId>.p-card').

For reference, here is a functional stackblitz example showcasing the desired outcome:


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