Image pop-ups that overlay text on the homepage

I'm facing an issue and I'm looking for a solution...

Upon entering my homepage, I would like to display a popup image showcasing a new event so visitors can see it before accessing the website. I attempted to achieve this using JavaScript but was unsuccessful.

I don't want to create a new homepage from scratch; rather, I would like the image to overlay the existing homepage. When the image is clicked, redirecting visitors to the event page, whereas clicking outside of the image should close it.

I am skilled in adding links but struggling with the JavaScript implementation.

If you could provide guidance on how to successfully display the popup image when someone visits my website, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

Set up a div to house your pop-up and incorporate jQuery for when the page is loaded:

<div id="mypopup">
     **** Insert content here ****

$(document).ready(function() {

Answer №2

Having an image that utilizes the CSS property position: absolute, allows you to position it anywhere on the screen by default.

To hide this image using jQuery, follow the steps outlined below.



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