Updating Icon on Button Click with React.js

Looking for help with a React function that generates buttons.

<div className="col-6 btn-group btn-group w-100">
       <AuditMenuButtons buttonValue='Pending' buttonName='Inbox' changeFilterForButton={this.props.changeFilterForButton} icon={icon_inbox}/>
       <AuditMenuButtons buttonValue='Rejected' buttonName='Rejected' changeFilterForButton={this.props.changeFilterForButton} icon={icon_rejected}/>
       <AuditMenuButtons buttonValue='Accepted' buttonName='Accepted' changeFilterForButton={this.props.changeFilterForButton} icon={icon_accepted}/>

Below is the accompanying function:

    function AuditMenuButtons(props) {
        <button className="w-25 btn menu-btn p-lg-3" name={props.buttonName} value={props.buttonValue} onClick={props.changeFilterForButton}><img src={props.icon} className="pr-3 menu-btn-icons">

The code above displays 3 buttons. The objective is to change the color of the button icon to green when clicked, and maintain this color until another button is clicked or the page is refreshed. The images used are .png files with green and silver borders. Attempts using CSS pseudo-class :active were unsuccessful. The goal is to persist the green color on the clicked button's icon.

Answer №1

Within this scenario, the icon element serves as a representation of a UI state, which needs to be managed within your application's state and then transmitted to the AuditMenuButtons component as props.

Utilize these props within the AuditMenuButtons component to perform the necessary validation checks.

        import React,{Component} from 'react';

        class customComponent extends from Component{

           clickHandler = (event) =>{
                isClicked:!this.state.isClicked // Toggles each time it is clicked //

              return <div className="col-6 btn-group btn-group w-100">
                     <AuditMenuButtons clickhandler={this.clickHandler} buttonValue='Pending' buttonName='Inbox' isClicked={this.state.isClicked} buttonIcons={this.state.buttonIcons} changeFilterForButton={this.props.changeFilterForButton} icon={icon_inbox}/>
                     <AuditMenuButtons clickhandler={this.clickHandler} buttonValue='Rejected' buttonName='Rejected' isClicked={this.state.isClicked}  buttonIcons={this.state.buttonIcons} changeFilterForButton={this.props.changeFilterForButton} icon={icon_rejected}/>
                     <AuditMenuButtons clickhandler={this.clickHandler} buttonValue='Accepted' buttonName='Accepted'  isClicked={this.state.isClicked} buttonIcons={this.state.buttonIcons} changeFilterForButton={this.props.changeFilterForButton} icon={icon_accepted}/>

        export default customComponent;

Answer №2

If you want to change the style of a button when it is focused, consider adding the following code snippet to your .css file.

.button:focus{background-image: url('your custom green image');

Answer №3

To dynamically update the image path in React, you can store the path in the component's state and then call a method to change it on onClick event by using setState().

For more information, check out: https://reactjs.org/docs/handling-events.html

Learn about setState() here: https://reactjs.org/docs/react-component.html#setstate

this.state = {
  image_path: 'your image url here'

changePath = () => {
  this.setState({image_path:'new path'});
<AuditMenuButtons onClick={this.changePath} src={this.state.image_path}/>

Answer №4

Here is a suggestion you can try:

updateFilterForButton: function (props) {
     props.currentTarget.style.backgroundColor = '#ccc';

function CustomizeMenuButtons(props) {
        <button className="w-25 btn menu-btn p-lg-3" name={this.props.buttonName} 
value={this.props.buttonValue} onClick={this.props.updateFilterForButton}><img src={this.props.icon} className="pr-3 menu-btn-icons">

If you prefer to use React methodology, you can utilize the constructor like this:

constructor(props) {
    this.state = {isColor: false};

    // This binding is necessary to make `this` work in the callback
    this.updateFilterForButton= this.updateFilterForButton.bind(this);

  updateFilterForButton() {
    this.setState(state => ({
      isColor: !state.isColor

  function CustomizeMenuButtons(props) {
    return (
<button className="w-25 btn menu-btn p-lg-3" name={props.buttonName} value={props.buttonValue} onClick={props.updateFilterForButton} style="background-color: {this.state.isColor? '#CCC' : ''} "><img src={props.icon} className="pr-3 menu-btn-icons">


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