Updating all the direct components within the corresponding category with jQuery

Here is the HTML content I am working with:

 <li class="info"> info<li>
 <li class="other"> info<li>
 <li class="other"> info<li>

 <li class="Error"> error<li>
 <li class="other"> error<li>
 <li class="warning"> warning<li>
 <li class="other"> warning<li>
 <li class="other"> warning<li>
 <li class="info"> info<li>
 <li class="other"> info<li>
 <li class="other"> info<li>

To filter only the immediate li.other elements based on the li element class, I tried using jQuery.

My initial approach was to select .info elements and then target previous siblings with class .other:


However, this changed all the previous li.other elements. Instead, I want to change only the specific li.other element that comes immediately before the selected .info element and ignore the rest.

If anyone has a suggestion for achieving this, please provide your input. Thank you!

Answer №1

To achieve the desired outcome, utilize the prevUntil() method in conjunction with the :not() pseudo-class selector.


  color: 'red'
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <li class="info"> info</li>
  <li class="other"> info</li>
  <li class="other"> info</li>
  <li class="Error"> error</li>
  <li class="other"> error</li>
  <li class="warning"> warning</li>
  <li class="other"> warning</li>
  <li class="other"> warning</li>
  <li class="info"> info</li>
  <li class="other"> info</li>
  <li class="other"> info</li>

To retrieve only the three instances of warning, include the last element in the selector using the addBack() method.


  color: 'red'
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <li class="info"> info</li>
  <li class="other"> info</li>
  <li class="other"> info</li>
  <li class="Error"> error</li>
  <li class="other"> error</li>
  <li class="warning"> warning</li>
  <li class="other"> warning</li>
  <li class="other"> warning</li>
  <li class="info"> info</li>
  <li class="other"> info</li>
  <li class="other"> info</li>

Answer №2

One solution is to utilize the following code snippet


Answer №3

Give this a shot:

    $("information + additional").css({});

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