Update web page content using JavaScript onClick

I'm trying to figure out how to refresh my page every time a door is clicked. Can anyone help me with where I should add window.location.reload(); in my code?

Here's the link to my pen:


function openDoor(field) {
        var y = $(field).find(".thumb");
        var x = y.attr("class");
        if (y.hasClass("thumbOpened")) {
        else {

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To add surprise images behind each door, consider setting up a selection of CSS classes for divs containing background images and storing these class names in an array within your JavaScript code. Then, upon clicking a door, you can randomly select one item from the array and assign it to the element to achieve the desired "open door" visual effect.

Answer №2

If you're looking to ensure the opening-door animation finishes before refreshing the page, one way to achieve this is by utilizing the transitionend event:

function openDoor(door) {
    var doorThumb = $(door).find(".thumb");
    var currentClass = doorThumb.attr("class");
    if (doorThumb.hasClass("thumbOpened")) {
        // Note: This scenario may not occur as the page reloads after a door is opened
    else {
        // Wait for the animation to complete:
        $(".thumb").on("transitionend", function() {
            // Execute code once animation ends, like reloading the page

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