Unusual ways that backgrounds and borders behave while incorporating CSS transitions for changes in height, positions, and transformations

I was under the impression that I had come up with a brilliant idea...

I wanted to create a button with a hover effect where the background would do a wipe transition (top to bottom, left to right) using soft color transitions. My plan was to achieve this by utilizing the :after pseudo-class to manipulate either the height or position of a box on hover, while keeping it behind the actual element with a higher z-index. I also intended to use the rgba() function for the transparent background of the <a> tag.

I managed to achieve my desired effect. You can view the outcome here: http://jsfiddle.net/MrPickle/ysdhexbq/3/

However, as I navigated through the menu, I noticed a thin line occasionally appearing at the bottom of the button. While I suspect this might be due to my browser's rendering engine, I am curious if others encounter the same issue and if there is an explanation for it.

In the example provided in the fiddle, I used transition: top to hide the box created by :after, though I encountered similar issues when trying transition: height and transition: transform.

Actually, scratch that, the results were even worse. To see the issue occur frequently, take a look at this version: http://jsfiddle.net/MrPickle/ysdhexbq/5/ It happens more prominently if you quickly move your cursor all the way through before the first transition completes.

Answer №1

After following the advice of The Iron Developer and implementing hardware acceleration, I noticed that the bug no longer occurs on my computer. However, I did experience some jitteriness during the initial transitions. Since the transition itself isn't too demanding, I decided not to utilize additional system power unnecessarily.

I did some tinkering and discovered that placing a border around the parent div seems to resolve the issue with the line display area being occupied.

Check out my updated fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/MrPickle/ysdhexbq/8/

The performance of the transition is now smooth and quick, without any previous issues.

Answer №2

Here's a little tip that could come in handy: try enabling hardware acceleration.

To do this, simply include the following code:

a:after {
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);

Check out my updated version of your fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/TheIronDeveloper/ysdhexbq/9/

By using translate3d, you can switch the browser to a ~hardware accelerated mode, which can greatly enhance the performance of your CSS.

For more insight on this topic, here's an article discussing the benefits of hardware acceleration when using the filter:blur style (as applying filter:blur can be resource-intensive for browsers):

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