Unusual scroll functionality in Internet Explorer when checkboxes are within a scrollable container

I am working with a "multiselect" control that is being dynamically generated by a custom tag, resulting in long id names:

<div class="default-skin-outer" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectOuterDiv">
    <div class="default-control" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectControlDiv">
        <span class="default-icon-check-text" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectControlCheckWrapperSpan">
            <span class="default-icon default-icon-check" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectControlCheckIconSpan"></span><span class="default-icon default-icon-text" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectControlCheckTextSpan">Check All</span>
        <span class="default-icon-uncheck-text" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectControlUncheckWrapperSpan">
            <span class="default-icon default-icon-uncheck" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectControlUncheckIconSpan"></span><span class="default-icon default-icon-text" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectControlUncheckTextSpan">Uncheck All</span>
    <div class="default-skin-inner" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectInnerDiv">
            <ul class="default-multiselect">
                        <li class="default-multiselect">
                            <label class="default-label">
                                <input type="checkbox" value="0" class="default-checkbox" id="myMapSelect0" name="myMapSelect"> Zero
                        ... (remaining code truncated for brevity)

When viewed in Firefox, everything works smoothly. However, in IE8, the layout becomes distorted. The checkboxes extend beyond the containing div and do not scroll along with the text when using the scrollbar.

An attempt to align checkboxes and labels correctly caused issues in IE8, which were remedied by removing certain styles:

top: -1px; 
*overflow: hidden; 

In response to concerns about inherited styles potentially causing conflicts, here are the relevant styles:

input {
   border:1px solid #CFCFCF;

li.default-multiselect {

ul.default-with-padding {

table {

html, body {

Answer №1

It appears that there is an unusual conflict between inherited styles and the ones I have specifically defined. Jacob and Ray's feedback highlighted this issue, as they were able to easily integrate this code onto a webpage without any rendering problems in IE.

After some experimentation, I found that removing position:relative from the input.default-checkbox style resolved the strange behavior.

My theory is that a peculiar interaction may be causing the checkboxes to behave as if they are statically or absolutely positioned, which hinders their ability to scroll. While my explanation is speculative, perhaps someone can offer a more precise reason for this phenomenon. Nevertheless, eliminating position:relative successfully rectified the erratic scrolling behavior. Thank you for assisting me in solving this puzzle!

Answer №2

After taking @rossisdead's advice, including position: relative in the scrolling element resolved the issue. Additionally, I found it necessary to apply position: relative to the container of the scrolling element as well.

Answer №3

Double check that your checkboxes do not have the property position: fixed defined in any additional CSS files.

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