Unusual empty area appearing on the right side (noticed when zoomed in or on mobile gadgets)

I have been working on my website for a few months now and recently encountered a persistent issue.

Despite setting the main width of my website to '975px', I am seeing a white border on the right side after zooming in or when viewing on a mobile device with a smaller width. It seems like there might be a misplaced width or padding value causing this. I want to ensure that the main container, header, and footer stay centered on the page even after zooming in. Have I overlooked something in my CSS? How should I modify it to achieve this desired layout? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Website:
  • CSS:

Regards & Thanks for the assistance!

Answer №1

Your header class width is the main issue here. Adjust it to width:100% and the problem will be resolved

.header {
width: 100%;
height: 250px;
background: url(http://www.mywebsite.com/img/myimage.jpg) no-repeat;
position: relative;
background-position-x: 60px;

Answer №2

The particular line that seems to be causing issues is:

<ul class="nav-list" style="float: none; width: 25em;">

It appears that the width:25em; property is overflowing.

Answer №3

A few factors seem to be contributing to the problem you're experiencing. In order to address it, consider implementing max-width: 100% within the .container class, while removing both float: right; and width: 400px from the .nav element as they are causing an overflow.

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