I am currently working on creating a responsive template, but I have encountered an issue with an unordered list causing my sticky footer to break.
Interestingly, when I remove the list items and keep the ul element, the footer remains sticky. However, including the li elements seems to disrupt this behavior. I have tried various methods such as inspecting the code, using Firefox's 3D modeling tool, but cannot seem to find the root cause of this problem...
You can view the page here, and the direct link to the CSS file here.
The issue appears to be related to extra space below the footer, but I am unable to pinpoint the exact source. I have not come across any specific solutions for this particular sticky footer problem. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Update: Upon further investigation, I noticed that removing the doctype allows the footer to work correctly. It is worth mentioning that I am using the HTML5 doctype.
Update 2: Changing the display property of the ul element from inline-table to block resolves the issue, although it affects its width adjustment based on child elements and alignment through text-align. I am considering whether keeping it as inline-table is better practice than using floats...
Update 3: Modifying the ul to block and the li to inline table has reduced the margin, but there is still a small gap leading to overflow. The height/line-height modification is causing issues with the background color change on hover, preventing it from fully extending.